This is a present I did for my mom for Christmas!
Artsy Fartsy Needs: Canvas, Paint- Red, Pink, White, &Yellow, Mod Podge, Paint Brush, Pen, a Computer and a Printer for your Pictures.
Took me a little to get the hang of this heart but paint one side and then the other with one color each.
After you're done painting the whole canvas wait for it to dry.
While waiting for it to dry go on your computer
to change the tint of the picture so that it's reddish like the canvass.
After that I tried to figure out where to place my pictures.

When I finally picked out where to put them
I used mod podge to kind of laminate/glue them down.
I tried to make sure it wasn't too goopy so I tried to take some of the mod podge off with the brush.
(The brush that you use will get really hard so make sure you don't care about it)
After everything is dry it's time to write down the quote!
I found a really touching quote that fit so perfectly for my mom and I!
Picking out a really good quote might take a long time but don't get frustrated it's one of the best parts.
Then you have the perfect present to give to your mom!