Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Melted crayons

Melted crayon project

For this project you will need crayons, a canvass, a hot glue gun, news paper to lay down, and a blow dryer. 

I started off thinking it would be a good idea to peel off the paper on the crayons but I was wrong. I only peeled the paper off the sun crayons and kept the rainbow paper on because it was too much of a hassle. I then planned out where to glue down the crayons and then glued them. After they dried I put news paper out on the floor just incase some of the wax of the crayons came off of the canvass when I was blowing it dry. I took the blow dryer and blew it super close to the crayons to melt them and move the wax down the canvass. For the sun I took a yellow crayon and melted the yellow crayon in the corner and the rest down the canvass. This project is so much fun to do with friends and you can also do it multiple times because you can do many different things with the crayons. I hope you have as much fun being artsy fartsy as I did! 


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