Since it's Christmas time I made my boyfriend a easy DIY stocking for his job
Artsy Fartsy Needs: the deign (reindeer), paint, stocking, paint brushes, hot glue gun, pipe cleaners, and scissors
I saw this design and thought it would be nice on his red stocking
Start with a half C looking thing that will be the face.
Make sure you leave a gap for the red nose.
The to make the antlers are just lines.
They look the same on both side.
Don't go too crazy on the little antlers because you don't want too much on it
Next you should cut the pipe cleaners into 4 like so
Then take two of them and cross them over like a T
Make two T's and cross them over to make this.
To get the little ones on top you'll need to cut the pipe cleaners more.
So take another pipe cleaner and cut them into 8
I wanted to make another snowflake but not the same
so I used only 3 of the 4 and crossed them over.
Then I took the last one and cut it in half and used it for the little ones on the sides.
I took the hot glue gun and glued down the two big snowflakes
Like so.
And I also made a small one that's on the top corner.
Put little black dots for the eyes and the wrote "Let it Snow"
I had my boyfriend write his name so that he can at least say he did some of his stocking :p
I was petty happy about how his stocking turned out!
Happy Holidays!
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